美人何其多: 拍摄一部最差的恐怖片的诀窍就是用无尽的暴力来展现一个扭曲的世界观然而却不能在影片当中的哪怕任何一个层面传递出任何有价值的信息不过影片的技术水准还是不错的
r释隶:我后悔我前两部都没看就来看这个看来第三部变成了天降和竹马的对决网站同性还是竹马赢了啊…… 前半段还是有点无聊后面好几幕都看哭了…… 尤其是bj朋友问能想象和天降到老的样子吗一下就忍不住惹
艹是一种植物:很多老虎表情的特写镜头很可爱诶 爱老虎哟~
穿山甲说了什么:前半段总觉得父母支线很稀释主线情感但不那么聚焦反而不那么轻浮角色不深刻但至少Eliza Scanlen灵气又有锐气的表演让青少年部分不那么难堪网站同性最后一幕也收得好
王伟志: is fluent and the performance of the two leading roles are good enough. Still the main issue is about the script. As a documentary movie, clearly it wasn’t realistic enough. When there’s a challenge comes to them, the audience wants to know the whole process of how they dealing with it in such a awful situation not a frame of days number.